Learn how to use the Virtual Senior Academy.
It's easy, we promise!
Using the Virtual Senior Academy is easy. Check if you have the necessary equipment, create a free account and start taking interactive classes with your peers today.

What you need:

Desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone
Internet connection, WiFi recommended
Web camera (Optional - helpful but not required)
Computer speakers or headphones
(headphones helpful but optional)
Microphone built into your computer or headset with microphone (Optional - helpful but not required)
  *Most new computers and tablets have a web camera, speaker, and microphone built-in.

How-To-Use the Virtual Senior Academy

We’ve done our best to make the Virtual Senior Academy easy to use. When getting started, we’ve found it helpful to view the following videos that walk you through many of the features, including:

Sign Up For An Account
Navigate and Join Class
Change Your Password
Zoom Reminder
Logging In
Find a Class
Exit Class and Take Survey